We are excited to welcome back our customers and friends beginning Monday May 18.

Thank you all for your patience and support over the past weeks. We have been fielding countless phone orders and questions with very limited hours and just a skeleton crew. When we have been less than at our best, thank you for grace.
As we prepare to open our doors for walk-in business, we continue to ask for your patience.
For your safety as well as ours:
MASKS are required, for both staff and customers.
MAXIMUM 5 customers in the store; limit of 3 in a customer group.
Let’s catch up, but DISTANT socializing only - 6 ft intervals.
Hand sanitizer is available.
Hours will be limited - Mon May 18 thru Fri May 22 10 - 5 and Sat May 23 10 - 2
Please check our website or call for current store hours as we may need to adjust weekly.
Regular sanitizing of frequently touched surfaces may require more time - again, patience.
Curbside pickup will continue for those who prefer to place phone orders. We are also diligently working towards online sales capabilities and what/how sewing classes may continue. Keep your eyes open for exciting possibilities!
We have met so many new friends over the phone - we hope to see you soon!