Being made of tougher stuff, let’s not give up and give in yet, let’s kick February out the door with all the joie de vivre we have left (maybe not much, but it’s enough)!
Come to our party! Saturday 10:00 - 5:00 March 2
In the store: Demos of some of our favorite techniques and tools, including covered buttons, bias tape makers, and the best hand embroidery stitches! Free goody bags! Door prize drawings! Treats!
And in the classroom: Sewing!

March is Food Share Month in Minnesota, and we are teaming up with local volunteers to donate 100 reusable totes, sewn, decorated and filled, to the Groveland Food Shelf. All materials and equipment will be provided by Sew Good Goods and Treadle. Once the totes are sewn, they will be decorated with Earth-friendly themes and messages by youth at Plymouth Congregational Church in Minneapolis. The totes will then be filled with donations and delivered to Groveland Food Shelf in March.
No time to sew with us? We will be accepting donations of non-perishable food items and toiletries through Tuesday March 5. See you there!
- Michele and the Treadlettes