Friday, January 5, 2024

Friday Fun Fact: the fabric swirl

We're back! And today we're talking about the fabric swirl.

You’ve probably noticed the way I like to swirl the fabrics when I take photos for our shop and emails. It looks pretty to show the fabrics this way, but there are other, more practical reasons why I do this!

The first reason is drape. A crisp fabric will stand up by itself, while a soft, draping fabric will fall in softer folds.

Compare the crisp pink linen fabric above to the drapey green fabric below. Notice how the linen holds itself up, while the green fabric puddles.

The next reason is to give you a better idea of what the fabric will look like when you're wearing it. Fabric never hangs perfectly flat on the body, so a flat photo doesn't help much.

Twisting, swirling, or creating folds changes the way the fabric reflects light, so you can see what it would look like draped over a body, like the velvet below.

Of course, sometimes the swirl can obscure a printed pattern or design. That’s why with prints we always make sure to include alternate views on each product page: swirled and flat, so you know exactly what you’re getting.  

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